Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams FIRED: NPR Sacks Analyst Over Fox News Muslim Comments

"Williams [...] dual role on Fox News [...] drew so many complaints from NPR's listeners that it asked Fox News to stop identifying Williams as an "NPR News Political Analyst" in 2009."

This is all I need to know about the environment in which Williams placed himself. We are held to account for the associations we keep. Fox uses the fascist process (Fascism is not a political ideology, but is a political process engendering fear and bigotry through propaganda purporting degradation of religious superiority, racial superiority, national superiority, etc., engendering nationalism and xenophobia through the false—not to mention overtly simplistic—dichotomy of us vs. them to support a corporatist governmental infrastructure of powerful oligarchies—corporations—where the government puts the wishes of the corporate entities above the rights of the individual citizen.) to support the Republican party. A party which has a long history of using fascist tactics since long before there was a word for the process. Ever increasingly since the '50s, the days of McCarthy, the red scare, and commie witch hunts Republicans have been using this process to accomplish their corporatist agenda (i.e. the antics of the Religious Right, the race baiting of several Congressman, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and many others) culminating in the Fox News Network as the propaganda arm of Republican Corporatism. This is not balanced, honest or in the national interest. This is, however, why NPR fired Williams as the culmination of his rhetoric and those complaints.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost