Monday, November 8, 2010

Just Another Liar

August 20, 2010 on Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program via (Media Matters)

I'm doing a study on the liars that influence opinion in this country. And the best case I can display is this retard. But anyone who actually does any reading on Darwin will know that Beck is not presenting one word of truth. And more to the point, he doesn't present a word to back up any of his assertions. And this is the main problem in American media, they are not held to any level of honesty. Worse still is that most Americans are not in the habit of reading or even knowing anything more than their own opinion. So, a factually handicapped noise jockey like Beck can blurt out total falsehoods, and as long as it confirms the ignorant biases of the ill educated—it's going to pass as information. This clip is total garbage that can be totally debunked with a little investment in a book or a few minutes on Google. Beck's propaganda needs no more than to be ignored by those of us who know better and use critical thinking skills to flourish as accepted, relevant information. I, for one, feel this kind of garbage needs to be exposed, as does the perpetrator of these lies.

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