Thursday, May 26, 2011

How Do You See Modern Religion?

What is modern religion, really?

Should it not be obvious to civilized minds that someone who thinks that it is permissible to repress a woman's right to choose in a very difficult matter concerning her own body; that it is feminism which is somehow one of the greatest threats to society; that affirmative action is a worse form of racism than the heinous atrocities instituted by the papal bulls of  June 18, 1452 by Pope Nicholas V, (Dum Diversas) which is credited with ushering in the West African slave trade, the papal bull written January 8, 1455 by Pope Nicholas V (Romanus Pontifex) giving  King Afonso V a monopoly on the slave trade and furthering those atrocities to include indigenous peoples of many other regions then there is the papal bull issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493, (Inter caetera) extending those previous sanctions to include the indigenous peoples of the Americas, because they "were not under the protection of God"; that homosexuality is something other than a natural occurrence caused by inherited genes of a living organism which is as uncompromising as any biological drive (ie. to alleviate hunger, thirst, loneliness, pain, or suffering etc.) including heterosexuality, therefore eliminating it as a choice of any kind; that everything public should be turned over to oligarchies (eg. privatized, ie. corporatism, libertarianism), that is, corporate kingdoms, would be perfectly fine with submission to an unsubstantiated supernatural dictator as an adherent of an oligarchical patriarchy, and would be thrilled if everyone on Earth was forced into submission under such an oppressive tyranny.

What is modern religion?

It is a political organization that makes it easy to hide repressive ideologies behind pseudo-morality. It is an authoritarian organization that makes it simple to hide tyranny behind tradition, fear and conservatism behind iron age mythology, and replaces the minds and views of the many behind the unsubstantiated opinion of the few or the one. It is a community organization in which populism pacifies those who haven't apprehended the ramifications of having faith in the words of for-profit prophets and makes it easy to replace ignorance with happiness so as to forget what it is that's causing their cognitive dissonance and confusion. It is missions of inculcation and institutionalization hiding behind words like salvation. It is a for-profit industry thinly veiled behind charity. It is the power of a mob through control of thought, opinion and limited education.

What is modern religion? It is an institution that candy-coats the submission to tyranny.

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