Wednesday, February 17, 2021

A Confutation of Creationism

An irrefutable confutation of creationism and its modernized mockup, with the serial number filed off, intelligent [sic] design.

Name one thing that isn't evolving before your eyes this very instant. Everything is evolving all the time. Everything around you is changing, either developing or deteriorating. Every new cell, seed, and egg is slightly different from the host. Evolution is not only an observable fact; it is an inescapable fact. And, what is more important, we can see it working over near time, through the fossil record, and over extended time, through telescopes that pick up light cast many billions of years ago. Some would argue from stubborn ignorance that this has little to do with the evolution eliminating the validity of their primitive dogma and demonstrating the insanity of their beliefs. Their biblically fictionalized description of life. The narrative with mud-man and rib-woman even evolved into a scenario where seeds in the male were sewn in the fertile soil of a female. 

What is life? Creationists claim that their god-fraud created life without even knowing what life is, so what is life? Anti-choice activists falsely claim life begins at conception when both the male and female components are alive during their respective stages long beforehand. In fact, life has been continuous for more than four billion years. So, what is life? By any definition of life that I can think of, viruses, like many forms of cells, are alive. Some may want to believe the difference between alive and mere autonomous growth can be exemplified by the distinctive characteristics of viruses and quasicrystals, respectively. But can it? What quasicrystals, RNA, DNA, viruses, and cells as the basic units of life shows us is that these distinctions are arbitrarily delineated in this respect, which generates numerous inconsistencies, pseudo-paradoxes, and irrationally rationalized exceptions. Furthermore, note the similarities between viruses, which need the media within a cell to reproduce whereas humans need the media within this planetary system's atmosphere for the same reason. So, what is life? What is the distinction, if there is one, between our Earth's ecosystem (as an organism in symbiotic stasis), the balance of our solar system, the galaxy, and our body as a system of cells and organs in symbiotic balance? At the scale of microbiological entities, there is no distinction between biotic chemistry and abiotic chemistry except for the proliferation of carbon compounds in the former.

Life is an autonomous system generated by replicating, organizing, and reproducing complex constructs with simple biotic and abiotic material constructs in symbiotic balance. Furthermore, because the god-fraud would, if true, insinuate the authoritarian imposition of structure upon the natural balance of everything in the universe, one would find discontinuity and imbalance, at least, but chaos definitely, across the microbial universe if anything could exist at all. This is because the imposition of structure by any entity would have that entity's perspective, designs, goals, and available resources with all the limitations inherent in such a system wrecking the balanced development through reiterating perpetual feedback loops of mutually beneficial and eventually balanced interaction. And in an existing system, further creation of something new would require the destruction of the existing material system with pollution, excess, and waste adding to the chaos and imbalance. Therefore, since balance exists and the imposition of any form of control would destroy the mutual beneficence of perpetually balancing interactions, gods not only cannot and do not exist according to previous proofs, they could not interfere and by extension creationism cannot be true.

A demonstration of these points is as simple as witnessing the desolation caused by civilization and the healing facilitated by the pause in civilization's capitalistic exploitation of the environment. 

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